Our tendency is sometimes to think that the essence of our existence is composed of that one decision, one fundamental answer to a question that changed everything. And indeed that one moment may have changed much of your life. But here is the reality as we enter this New Year: the most important and life-changing decisions happen in the ordinary, day-to-day moments of our lives.
The Christian faith does not rest simply in the big, dramatic moments of change. The fact of the matter is this: the transforming work of grace operates in 10,000 little moments more than it does in a series of two or three life-altering events.
Paul Tripp puts it this way:
The character and quality of your life won’t be defined by two or three life-changing moments. No, the character and quality of your life will be defined by the 10,000 little decisions, desires, words, and actions you make every day.
What an important reality as we begin this year!
Your future or your life or your narrative is not going to be defined by that one great event; it is going to be defined by 10,000 little events. These are what shape you. And on this day of corporate worship we come together to begin several little events. We come to confess our sins. We come to celebrate the God who forgives us. We come to eat and drink together as a community of grace in a year—that by God’s goodness—will fill our hearts by 10,000 moments of love and peace and joy in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
The post 10,000 Moments appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.