Andrew Sandlin and John Barach have done a great service in providing these essays in honor of Norman Shepherd. Obedient Faith is “a tribute by students and friends to a courageous theologian’s lifelong stand for a full-orbed, obedient Christianity.” In the preface, Andrew Sandlin observes:
His influence is not thought to rank with his Calvinist contemporaries like J. I. Packer, John Piper, and R. C. Sproul. Yet in the end it may be Shepherd’s distinctive views that prove to be the more lasting and influential. Those views spring from his recovery of the older Reformed idea of the covenant as the overarching theme of the Bible and of the church and Christian life… Shepherd does not merely argue that individual salvation is the outworking of the covenant of grace (true enough); he insists, moreover, that man’s entire relation with God from creation to consummation, from birth to death, is governed by covenant.
I will be posting some quotes along the way. Also, stay tuned for an interview with editor, Andrew Sandlin on the life and theology of Norman Shepherd.
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