There was once a prophet who came to Pensacola and proclaimed, “Continue to be who you are, for your kingdom is at hand.” This prophet didn’t wear camel’s hair, nor did he eat wild honey; he consumed large amounts of energy drinks and spoke about love and acceptance. The prophet started an Instagram account and became an immediate sensation. “Look at him,” they said. “He is one of us; he speaks ill of no one, and he doesn’t turn our tables upside down like the previous prophets.”
This prophet wanted the ears of the church also, so he found a platform to communicate his ideas. The local pastor seeing his rhetorical gifts quickly gave him a Sunday to preach. The crowd gathered to hear him from near and far.
After the prophet was introduced, the people stood up and gave him a standing ovation. He stepped up into the pulpit, and slowly he pulled his mask away, revealing himself to be an ugly, devious figure. In fact, he looked like a demon. The people were shocked by this revelation at first, but when he began to speak, he spoke as he always did about being who you are, approving of sins, disregarding the Word of God, etc. The people were so enamored by his message of inclusiveness and acceptance and a new Christianity that they forgot that the prophet was the devil himself.
This morning we affirm dogmatically: Jesus is Lord of the Church. Repent, for the kingdom of God is here! Repent and conform to Jesus. Repent and believe. The man of God does not concern himself with the praises of men for he knows there is only one faith, one Lord, and one baptism.
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