Now shall my inward joys arise, And burst into a song; Almighty love inspires my heart, And pleasure tunes my tongue.
God on his thirsty Zion hill Some mercy-drops has thrown, And solemn oaths have bound his love To show’r salvation down.
Why do we then indulge our fears, Suspicions, and complaints? Is he a God, and shall his grace Grow weary of his saints?
Can a kind woman e’er forget The infant of her womb, And ‘mongst a thousand tender thoughts Her suckling have no room?
“Yet,” saith the Lord, “should nature change, And mothers monsters prove, Sion still dwells upon the heart Of everlasting love.”
“Deep on the palms of both my hands I have engrav’d her name; My hands shall raise her ruin’d walls, And build her broken frame.”
Guitar chords: D F#m Bm A7 D G A7 Bm F#m G A7 G F#m A7 D
The post A Theology of Hymns: “Now Shall My Inward Joys Arise”, part 1 appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.