Just a quick invite to anyone in Escambia or Santa Rosa County:
This morning I, and a few of my dearest and closest friends, will be rioting against Satan’s headquarters. Our rioting will consist of hearty singing, sincere confession of our sins, public displays of mutual love, hearing from God’s revelation, and having a meal from heaven.
We will start at 9:30 at Providence Church (CREC) in Pensacola,FL and right at the beginning we will gather and make a trip to the heavenly places led by angelic tour guides on a direct flight led by the Third Person of the Godhead. My understanding is that Jesus will meet us at the entrance gate and take us to the heavenly throne. He is going to offer us fairly specif blueprints so that when we go back home (earth), we can implement them strategically with our children and close friends.
For those of you who have to make it to other places, I am fairly sure that the heaven-bound event won’t last more than 75 minutes. Of course, we encourage you to stick around afterwards and share war stories and let us know about your bruises during the riot. So far, no one has been too hurt, but some have come back confessing a greater need to be fervent to our Father in heaven and others have confessed their rioting has been far from ideal. Anyway, we hope to see you all soon.
P.S. There are hundreds of other locations in town, but I speak of the one most familiar to me.
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