Dear brother,
It is crucial to grasp that knowing good theology does not necessarily lead to godly living. I have met many men whose words were Reformational and biblical while at the same time hurtful and harsh toward wife and children.
Good theology helps create helpful categories to view the world rightly, but at times it can create unhelpful justifications to view people wrongly. The more you know the more equipped you are to use that data for good or ill. I urge good theologizing, good biblicizing, and good catechetical training. But the way forward is to produce churches with theological men who will help create environments of repentance.
If a child or wife has never heard a man repent at home, surely this man will be the kind that will bring curses to a church or will add little to no benefit to the life of the community. We need theological discourse in the context of confession and community. When you divorce theology from that, no matter how Reformational you are, you have failed to reform your soul.
So, press on your studies, but don’t forget the end goal. If your theology cannot produce doxological moments it is in vain. Don’t forget this lesson.
Yours truly,
Pastor Brito
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