Watching Australia, Austria, Netherlands, and other sundry places makes me realize that the roots of paganism were deeply embedded before COVID, which means the seeds of tyrannical governments were ready to burst with violent colors. And so they have. Aaron Ginn has been heroic over on Twitter ( pointing these things out since the very beginning. He revealed the COVID-hysteria in the days when it was still not cool to doubt the science. He’s been vindicated a thousand times.
Compulsory vaccination and lockdowns in Germany, police brutality toward the non-vaccinated in Australia, Netherlands’ police officers going out and about on the streets checking vax passports, and other such things are par for the course. On the other hand, Ginn has also revealed drone footage of wide protests all around the globe from people who will not accept such impositions. Good on them! Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit freedom, and stupid are they that let things carry on, for they shall receive the approval of the left.
Kuyper once wrote that when our convictions are challenged, peace has become a sin and battle our calling. And these days, if you are not fighting or at least pushing back, you idolize peace like the people in Jeremiah’s day (Jer. 6:14). Even if you have fallen for the trap of nice Christianity–as Lewis puts it–you have to at least see that something is not right. Right? Because peace is non-sensical if it is predicated on baseless assertions. Because peace is non-sensical if it is predicated on baseless assertions. The option they offer us is, “Find peace or die!” Anyone should be able to see right through this mercenary strategy.
As for me and my house, we unequivocally affirm that the Church can’t be at peace in any way when her vision and mission are dictated by the mandates of the state. If you tell me to sit back and relax and let the state have its piece of the pie, I am going to stop you mid-sentence and walk out. If you tell me to just play it cool when it comes to the centrality of worship, I am going to theonomy even harder on Sundays.
Nah. Peace schmeesh!
It was one thing when the church stood her ground in the early days, but it’s another thing altogether when the church is the one now saying, “Please, what can I do to help the state’s cause?” This Thanksgiving, we are going to be extra cautious and require every family member to be vaccinated in order to be around them. Let’s show some gratitude for mother Newsom in California.
On a similar note, a few of my friends in Brazil sent me a note about a congregation–among many–who was recommending everyone to seek out the unvaccinated and convince them to be vaccinated and furthermore, to determine whether such unvaxxed were worthy to be officers in the church. Now, if you think the qualifications for officers (I Tim. 3) are serious business, wait until the state begins to set their qualifications! Man, that presbytery examination will be brutal!
This kind of thing allows me as an immigrant to say to my fellow Americans that we are exceptional in the sense that what I say makes sense to so many of you, whereas in many other places what I say sounds like fumigating incense from the caves of Mordor. So, thanks for listening and I trust you will approve this message.
What we have before us is an ever-moving goal post that commander Fauci has no interest in ever stopping. I have argued elsewhere that controlling time is the technique of tyrants, and for Fauci, controlling boundaries is his art. When you think you have fenced everything, he adds five more acres to your work. There is no end in sight because boosters x 20 is just fine math for the religion of scientism.
Let me add a translation for those who are watching this thing unravel in other ways in the Christian community. You may have seen that there is now an attempt to talk about how we can deconstruct the faith to build it back again. Inerrancy and the historical Adam are such things that need to be reconstructed because it has fallen into the hands of fundamentalists like yours truly. But when they come for Adam and Revelation, they necessarily come for Jesus and inspiration.
I am actually one of those who think all these things come together, and I am actually one of those who believe the entire deconstructionist tables need to be overthrown. Why is it that everyone who falls in the affirmations above also falls for the affirmations below? “Correlation for $1000, Alex!”
I firmly believe that not one square inch should be given to Jonathan Merrit, Peter Enns, and Beth Moore. If you stand with me in the first two but hit the pause button on the third name, I can understand your frustration. But I have been around this theological block give or take 20 years, and I can see from my vantage point when certain things lead to Rome, and when certain things lead to Fauci.
There is no going back to normal. But again, the old normal stinketh and needed to be replaced/reformed with God’s normal. Pastors need a healthy dose of courage, parishioners need to encourage their pastors and one another in realizing that power resides in heaven. The Church needs to proclaim that the time for gentility ended when Jesus sat at the right hand of the Father, and our call is absolute dominion. Anything else is accepting the premise of neutrality.
The post Fauci, Tyranny, and Beth Moore appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.