Starting with a new and hearty rendition of Supplanter, a song based on Genesis 25, Jamie inaugurates his 21st album with a burst of energy. Christians often complain about the lack of good Christian music for daily enjoyment and edification, but in the far-away land of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Jamie has been singing the same faithful melodic and biblical line for a long time.
This is not your typical music covered by a vast array of repetitive lines to fill space. Jamie fills the space with substantive biblical language in order to indoctrinate us musically through the divine words of Yahweh. And the indoctrination is sweet, creative, and plain ol’ fun. I’m on my third listen and keep remembering new things from the insightful re-telling of the musical story.
The beauty of this entire album is just how much you learn about stories that are largely forgotten in the evangelical scene, but now receive a fresh anointing in the Soles’ soul-shaped lyrics. The stories tie together classic themes from Genesis 25-32 focusing on the Jacob narratives uniting the sacred themes of the text into a beautiful Jacobian tapestry. One is led into a final benediction only after he’s heard the stories of weddings and wrestling matches enough to shape our biblical imagination in a lasting way.
Bring out the kids to play and watch the adults sing along to the dynamic tunes and catchy rhythms of Jamie’s music. Do your family a favor and download Supplanter!
The post In Praise of Jamie Soles’ New Album, Supplanter appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.