In his book “All things Considered”, G.K. Chesterton writes that “some people laugh through their tears while others boast that they only weep through their laughter.” There are moments in life when laughter and tear flow paradoxically side by side. And I think this is a metaphor for life. Life is not divided easily into moments of laughter and moments of tears.
The only One who can make sense of this paradox is Jesus. Life is incomprehensible without the Person of Jesus Christ. A world apart from Jesus, the Messiah, is a world where paradox reigns; but in a cross-shaped world, our dilemmas and enigmas find resolution in Jesus. We may not know why things happen the way they do, but Jesus invites us to taste of the answer with one another through life together, and that life begins as we come into his holy presence.
O God of great mighty, filled with wisdom and truth, grace us with your presence that we might find our perplexities and problems solved in your abiding presence with your people.
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