There is a phrase I learned recently in Latin, “Solvitur Ambulando,” which means “It is solved by walking.” Lent is a season to slow our pace and think more deeply about our problems; by walking? Why not?
“Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity…”
It is worth reflecting that “sitting” in the Psalms is almost always associated with evil practices (see Ps. 26:5). Whereas, walking is generally associated with righteousness (see Ps. 26:3). Some of the writers we most cherish like C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were men who treasured their daily walks. The Desert Fathers emphasized walking and meditating. Apart from the physical benefits, it also allows us to contemplate creation, to meditate on our lives, to think through our day, etc.
The Psalmist uses walking as synonymous with a way of life. We “walk in truth,” “we walk in the righteous paths.” While the psalmist did not have the physical aspect in mind, it is clear that walking can indeed allow us to think more deeply about the things of God.
Lent can provide us opportunities for greater reflection. Perhaps a walk with your family, or even a solitary walk to remember the journey of Jesus to the cross. Lent is a walk of faith. Perhaps we can begin practicing that faith by literally walking.
Prayer: O Lord Jesus, who walked in integrity all your day, may we imitate your steps as we follow this Lenten journey from the desert to the dreaded tree. We pray this in the Name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.
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