“Do not be misled: God is not mocked. For whatever a man might sow, that also he will reap.”
We cannot deceive the omniscient One. He is not mocked which is a short way of saying God does not take shortcuts to dissect you. He prefers to carefully observe your ways and see how far you are willing to stray and how long it will take you to call on his name. The reason God does not judge you immediately when you get on the boat to a place far away is that you would learn your lesson too quickly without much knowledge gained. You must get on the boat and believe that you are truly distancing yourself from the God who comes near; to trust in your escape routes among the prostitutes of the prodigal or the waves of waywardness. God waits to see your ship almost breaking to act. He waits in perfectly executed timing for you to see the cause and effect of your sins, to be at the mercy of pagan mariners. Then, God pierces your soul like a two-edged sword and meticulously brings you back to life like a skilled surgeon.
Prayer: O God, thank you for softly killing us daily and mightily raising us daily to new life and new mercies. May we learn much from our wayward ways and return to your promises which are yes and amen in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
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