The things we do that most shape our imagination are the repetitive acts; in fact, human beings live as if there is a happy expectation of repetition. No one lives constantly in surprise mode.
The most beautiful rhythms of our lives were developed through persistence. But we have grown to believe that life needs to be dramatic and unpredictable; that we need a cycle of shock and awe to get us through.
But the common is the thing that shapes our experiences. We are made to be liturgical creatures because God created a world of order from the beginning. He created seasons, he established time to guide our rhythms; he offered the world a gift of 6×1; work and sabbath.
Liturgy shapes our rhythms and rituals.
The Psalter teaches us that there are seasons to lament, seasons to rejoice; seasons to lament and rejoice in a short period of time. It teaches us the language of life through all of its dimensions.
The post Liturgy scribblings appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.