Lecture One: A Biography of the Devil’s Strategies
In this first talk, I will explain the devil’s wicked schemes and how he seeks to devour us.
Lecture Two: The Priestly Armor: A Theology of Perseverance
In this second talk, I will provide the basis of our perseverance. The Christian is not left naked among the many schemes of the Devil, but rather he is assured that the great High Priest, Jesus, will cover him with his own righteous armor, vindicated at the Resurrection.
Lecture Three: The Foundation of Truth and Righteousness
In this third talk, I will offer the opening features of this armor. They are given to establish a proper foundation for the Christian. His priesthood is fastened to the very fabric of his being. This is a work wrought by the Spirit of God. Unlike the old Adam, the armored Christian receives the Spirit of the Risen Messiah.
Lecture Four: Activating Gospel Confidence
In this fourth talk, I will argue that faith activates the armor so that it can produce good fruits. Without faith, it is impossible to walk rightly and defend yourself against the many devilish strategies.
Lecture Five: The Aaronic Benediction: Sending Forth Armored Warriors
Finally, I will explain why prayer is a priestly benediction. We pray so God may send us out as good stewards of this armor. Our identity is found in the armored One who fought for us and our salvation and now sends us out armored by our baptismal clothing to go forth as sons and daughters of God into war.
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