While the world derides pastors and specific evangelical ministries target pastors, and while pointing out particular examples of pastoral malpractice alleviate the Church from its blemishes, we should be doubly invested in observing the faithfulness and perseverance of the thousands of pastors who shepherd quietly but steadily; who cherish their sheep without expecting rewards or recognition; who visit hospital beds, who comfort grieving parents, who preach and administer the sacraments, who love their families, and who refuses to lord over their people because of their title or status.
Yes, we must observe the thousands of faithful men who use their training to feed the flock in word and deed, joy and sorrow. They may be in small/medium/large churches, but they are everywhere.
Do not allow the belittling of pastors and their work to take away the honor reserved for those who fight the good fight of faith and awaken each morning with a deep sense of their calling before God and man.
The post In Praise of Faithful Ministers appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.