This is my post before the final count, and as of now, 2:40 Central, it is safe to say that Kanye will not be our president. An eye for an eye and a ye for a ye. Still, these last 18 hours have been rather amusing for at least three reasons:
First, what has become clear in Trump’s win in Florida is that minorities (you’re welcome!) are a lot more independent than the demigods of politics imagined. The reason Hispanic-Americans turned Miami-Dade County into a vast tango party is because these individuals are not easily dominated by identity politics. Think about it: some of these amigos fled the Castro regime, adventured their way in tiny boats to save themselves from tyranny; others escaped savage socialist systems and when they hear Biden say “Progressive” they think “No, no, señor, no mas!” The vast majority come legally through the system which is incredibly complex and money-draining. When they arrive in these great lands, they work their bodies to sheer weary-dom and come home to large house parties where they enjoy the fruits of their labors and children.
In my first year of marriage, I worked with a 65-year old Mexican man whose work ethic was physically superior to my 23-year old self. He never complained and enjoyed a 15-minute power nap that rejuvenated his body for another fours hours. That man saved his money (every penny) and sought the good of his community. Now, do we really think they are saying, “Give me Biden or give me death!” Nay. They are eager for a candidate who will ensure that their work ethic is rewarded and that they get back as much as possible from their well-earned labors and preserves some vestiges of their traditionalism.
Second, the landslide “pipe-dream” was a metaphor for how out of touch the punditry is and how much Nate Silver needs to shave his beard, which incidentally is a metaphor for “silly predictions.” We are now at a place where distrusting big media should be a default position for the average American. When they say jump you should say, “how low?” These guys are in general more interested in projecting strength with their virtual Nimbus 2,000 models. FOX, CNN, ABC, ACDC are all variations of that same stupid song Lady Gaga sang.
We need alternative platforms that are de-centralized and we need the deep dark web with the Joe Rogans’ and Shapiros’ leading the way to a long-form conversation format every night with a nice bourbon and a Cohiba made by those Cuban hermanos in Miami. At the same time, don’t abandon the conversation. Don’t let the liberals keep Facebook and Twitter and control the conversation. Stay in these platforms until we are kicked out forcefully. Keep pressing the claims of Jesus in every conceivable and available big platform. I do not, and I repeat, do not! believe in moving our voices away once and for all. We need to be wherever we can make the most noise. This means we need to be more strategic and bolder in the way we shape our conversations here. We need more married couples showing baby pictures, more married couples kissing one another, more 3D ultrasounds, more Bible verses, more sermon links, more good podcasts advertised, more pastors sharing their hearts with their flocks, more good news about food and hearty Christendom.
Finally, and as controversial as a fun Thanksgiving party in California, is that whether Trump wins or loses, the country is certainly not in favor of lock-downs for life as models of conformity. The country is not on the side of seeing Europe as a paradigm for the world. The reason this ongoing election results shocked so many is because everyone assumed that the Biden shut-down strategy was a win-win. But at least half the country believed that life in all its beauty is not meant for a monastic revolution. No, rather half, and I dare say at least 70% of the country is ready to move on and attack life as if it should be something lived and not hidden.
MacArthur was right all along and all the local church pastors who viewed this entire thing as a big charade and who sought to wisely move things along one hymn at a time. The virus was not the charade, but the response to the virus was as silly as a country clown. In my estimation, Gov. DeSantis showed the country how to fight without fear and the results showed that. But the lesson here is that we are not going to be fooled again.
Whatever transpires in the next few hours in Pennsylvania (oh, hello Arizona!) doesn’t show the whole picture. The whole picture is a lot more complex and the lessons from this election are a lot more eclectic. We should read the times well, learn, digest these lessons, and look forward to the first Sunday after the election.
The post Pre-Election Results Analysis appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.