Let me try to answer all three of these questions by killing all these birds at once. Scott, I believe that these seasons ought to be experienced fully as a whole before we begin to delve into the specifics. So, I am more interested in a BIG Lent than focusing on particularities of Lent. And I share quite a bit of skepticism that takes over the Lententide.
But within each of these big categories, there are focused elements. Since I am a Reformed Evangelical, I am more interested in the five evangelical feasts as a whole. I am also deeply worried that these elements become fads and Ash Wednesday–as Carl Trueman noticed–can easily become that way. So, principally, I do not favor its practice, and we should also note that while the Lententide has a long history tracing back to Athanasius and is rooted in several patterns in the Scriptures, Ash Wednesday is fundamentally recent, though there is also a rich theology of ashes in the Bible. See our commentary on Jonah in Athanasius Press.
That said, I have dear brothers who practice Ash Wednesday within a full Reformed liturgy. My own perspective is that a richer theology of baptism accomplishes what Ash Wednesday wishes to accomplish. While he’s not arguing against Ash Wednesday, Peter Leithart’s little book on baptism does that exceedingly well by providing a rich imagery of baptism throughout. argue we need to wear our baptisms more gloriously: https://lexhampress.com/…/baptism-a-guide-to-life-from…
Sam Nelson argues for more Christmas singing out of season. I don’t have a problem with that, as long as it is outside the Church. Still, I find the practice of singing “Let All Mortal Flesh Be Silent” in mid-July a bit strange, especially since the church has a deficit of hymnody in so many areas. Christmas music has become comfort food, and we need to take our inner N.T. Wright and move that to healthy Easter and healthy Lent music and others as well.
But I also think the Church has a responsibility to educate the flock in the entire life of Jesus. And, I think due to modern commercialization, we have made Christmas music the sine qua non of church hymnody. It is distressing to me why we don’t have 500 Easter hymns available yet. We’re working on it! It’s distressing that we don’t have 250 Ascension hymns easily at our disposal. We’re working on it! The church only has so much time, and we need to carefully cover the entirety of Christ’s life through the 52 weeks. The Calendar does it textually and musically. Sam’s desire for hearty singing should fit all categories. I salute his aim.
Phil Walters makes the point that singing “Happy Birthday” at times that are not precisely THE time to be too emphatic.
I don’t have a problem with that. Singing “Happy Birthday” in the month of such a birthday is still a form of singing something in the same season. I am not arguing for technical precision, but general precision. Seasons of the Church may last for quite some time. Why is no one arguing for singing Pentecost hymns for all six months of Pentecost? Should the Spirit not get his due? It’s because we have made music preferential. So, make the birthday a season of song and parties for a week or a month, but if you extend that too far it becomes bizarre.
The post Q&A on the Church Calendar (Ash Wednesday, Christmas in June, etc.) appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.