One of the fundamental reasons voting is an important element of a free society is that it allows us to have a pulse on culture. It gives us a sense of where society is headed and allows us to offer cohesive strategies moving forward. It also unites human beings under particular ethical trajectories.
When the election unfolded in 2020, I argued consistently that politics has consequences and consequences arise with politics. While we argued against Trump’s bad character, evangelicals of all stripes voted for what they believed would be a step toward the good ol’ days of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had a multitude of faults but was humble enough to apologize for the Bay of Pigs. That kind of eccentric common grace is over.
The intent of many to side with a party that virtually sought the approval of atheism on its platform and who unanimously voted just a few hours ago to codify the legal murder of the unborn throughout the entirety of the pregnancy was blemished. I trust moving forward many will reflect deeply on how important it is to give up décor in public, for sane policies shaped by savvy incrementalism. I still find Trump’s strategy to fill the 100 court vacancies he inherited with young, smart, talented, and committed conservatives one of the smartest moves from a politician in my lifetime. For all his faults, the man saw the need and began thinking about the future right away without any hesitation.
But many evangelicals wish for something more sanitized. But they will not find this in the Gospels. A quick glance through the Gospel of Mark will offer the distinct impression that Jesus does not give a shekel of care for niceties and kosher dinner parties. When John was beheaded for confronting Herod, Jesus came right behind him and said, “Let me give you an opportunity to do the same to me.” Our Lord kept poking at the novel ways the political leaders sought to infatuate themselves to the heirs of Abraham. He kept cursing at them with holy sarcasm and serrated edges.
It bears repeating that the abortion element comes to the forefront of these discussions because life takes form from the moment of conception. To remain neutral or to vote against the cause is to give in to the gods of tranquility. In Numbers 32, Reuben and Gad requested some peace and quiet in the farmlands of Jazer and Gilead. The problem was not the request, the problem was that Israel was united and ready to cross over the land, and do battle. It was not time to flee confrontation. It was time for war!
As John Frame observed,
“So there must be, however much the world will despise us as religious fanatics, indeed, especially since the world despises these convictions, a special place in our hearts for the unborn.”
It appears that too many would rather live peaceful lives than live a life that leads to peace. Peace is not the absence of war, but the result of a war well fought. So, we cannot leave aside the fact that 49 Democrats voted for the right to kill preborn up to the moment of birth, and we should not overlook that all 50 Republicans and one Democrat, voted to sustain the leaked draft from the Supreme Court. These are not two identical systems, they are flawed systems fighting against each other.
If you want the pulse of society, look no further than the issue of life. Look no further into how Democrats would categorize us, and then ask the question, “Can we afford to overthink the ballot?” I think the answer is clear. Our strategizing needs to be a lot more clever and subversive.
The post The Democrats and Death and a Vote for Life appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.