Let’s just pause our week and thank a stellar man in his 40’s. Let’s thank him for holding the fort down and pressing on without succumbing to the fears of the millennials Monday-morning quarterbacks running around. Let’s thank the man who won the Superbowl of 2020 hands down, and has my vote for MVP in 2021.
Let’s thank Ron DeSantis.
We could take the time to speak of Tom Brady’s capacity to de-throne himself and re-assume that throne in a little start-up company called Buccanners Inc. But in actuality, let’s face it: De Santis is the real GOAT at the end of the day.
Imagine for a moment if Andrew Gillum had won Florida. Now, that you imagined it, go and spit that thought out in the backyard. Progressivism would have shattered our beloved state. Progressivism and leftism are the viruses Florida cannot afford. From the beginning, DeSantis took this Covidness seriously enough to not let it destroy the state’s economy. True, there is a lot of recovering to do, but Florida is hundreds of miles ahead of most states, save South Dakota–peace be upon Gov. Noem.
The Superbowl would not have happened in another state; no other state would have had the capacity to host 25,000 people in a stadium, because most other states are still panicking as if this is March 2020. Vaccines, natural treatments: nothing will take the panic-state of the liberal states of America. Florida went for Trump because of DeSantis and because we did not play the politics game CNN-style.
My first perusal of the news cycle this morning consisted of the hysteria of the Left over the festivities in downtown Tampa after the Bucs’ victory. In fact, the trend in twitterdom is that every time a “journalist” sees a gathered group in Florida not distancing more than the assigned rule, they begin their mockery lap across Twitter. It’s humorous, actually. Then, their friends join to mock those imbeciles taking life with a grain of sugar and salt and margaritas and a good steak. “Those Floridians are murderers taking all this life and showing off their liberties like normal human beings!”
Let’s also remember that DeSantis was one of the first governors to say that worship is essential. These words matter, because back then Mother Los Angeles and sister New York wanted to keep the family within the confines of 600 ft., which can be easily afforded for a meager $1,700 a month. Thanks, Cuomo! But Florida allowed rental properties and beach condos to flourish. The housing market is booming in my neck of the woods. In South Florida–four hours to the south of the Superbowl host, for you outsiders–2020 has been magical for the market. The same South Florida that went for Trumpito went for casitas mucho as well.
Thanks, DeSantis! You’re the GOAT! #RonDeSantis
The post The Florida GOAT! appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.