The Legacy of Gary North and Preterist Debates with Gary Demar
Interview with the world's leading preterist scholar
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It was a fruitful day visiting Gary and the American Vision headquarters in Georgia. Gary Demar is one of those iconic figures in the eschatological world. He has been writing, debating, and persuading for almost 40 years. He has a host of interests, but the one that has garnered the most attention is his sophisticated, yet, simple approach to eschatology. Gary holds to a position called "preterism," which affirms that most prophesy in the New Testament was speaking to something that would take place within that generation and not some futuristic generation divorced from that present context.
Gary Demar was also a close friend of Gary North, who passed away a month ago. They both attended the same congregation and cooperated on numerous efforts for over four decades. We spoke about the Gary North legacy and how North impacted Demar's discipline.
For those interested in an overview of the preterist debates and the life of the inimitable Gary North, there is no person more equipped than Gary Demar.