The life of Jesus is a political life! Our Lord is not hiding from the politicians of the day, and he is certainly not hiding from the political figures who collude with religious leaders. This is how we know that the God we worship is political—not because he wants the favorability of politicians, not because he desires the acclaim of “religious leader” of the year, not because he is craving for some private meeting with them, but because Jesus is eager to destroy all earthly political powers and replace it with something completely divine.
When our modern politicians fear that Christians are taking positions of power in society, they have no idea just how much more fear they should have. We don’t simply want positions of power in society; we want a totally Christian society—from D.C. to California. We want a society where every thought is captive to the obedience of King Jesus, where politicians submit to a crucified and risen Messiah. He was declared King at birth and even at this death, he was declared Basileus ton Ioudaion (βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων)-King of the Jews. Intentionally or unintentionally recognizing Jesus’ Lordship, Jesus is still Lord.
So, anytime unbelieving villains warn of the dangers of a Christian civilization, you should LOL-your-way through it all.
Jesus is Lord!
If you want a neutral society where drag-queen story hour receives prime time in our culture, then this worship experience today is nothing more than a few hundred apathetic religionists gathered to offer privatized praise to a God who is divorced from human and political reality. But if you believe the Great Commission envisions a society where God is all and all, and where society lives and moves and has its being in God, then what you do today is deeply political.
If God is Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, then to worship him is the most political thing you will ever do! Come, let us sing for joy to the God who reigns enthroned on high!
The post The Political Jesus appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.