After a few days of traveling and festivities, I wanted to begin this last week of Advent with some gentle observations about the recent White House post kindly attached for you. And by gentle, I simply mean that I wish to approach this subject in an unsympathetic and take-no-prisoner kind of gentleness.
I keep harping on these shenanigans because the Bible offers us a chronology of the wickedness model that unfolds from the lips and acts of fools. I think we too need to chronologize snobbery and sanctimonious details from the 17th floor of Jezebel’s luxury hotel.
Sample number one is Gavin Newsom; the presider-in-chief of the most extraordinary acts of self-deception in California’s history (which is saying a lot). He recently noted that “The overwhelming majority [of Omicron cases] have been fully vaccinated. That’s why masking becomes even more important in this environment.” Therefore, a new mandate was imposed in the People’s Republic of Chinafornia.
The response from one reporter was puzzling. He inquired of Darth Newsom why there wasn’t a more strict penalty for those unvaccinated. The governor said he had hope that we would do the right thing. I stand appreciative of Newsom’s Christmas spirit.
Those who love truth and have been vaccinated for whatever reason they deem best should find this act a violation of the sobriety principle. They should stand–as many vaccinated are around the world–for the rights of basic freedom of conscience. That is, we should all express a corporate sense of rage towards men who act the same way sober and unsober.
The White House has taken this a step further and offered us a mimicry of tyranny unbeknownst since the White House’s last action a week ago. But this one brings the whole thing one step closer to where they wish to go.
Now, if you have been following my opinations for some time, it is evident that I saw this thing coming, and so did my four-year-old. But my little one doesn’t have the historical experience I have to make predictions of high magnitude. The formulation of class systems is nothing new in world history and certainly not in American history. The funny thing is that the same universal charges of discrimination uttered by the lips of pious men concerning egregious sins of the past are uttered favorably in our day.
For these angelic figures, the “unvaccinated” is a class separate from others. I would not be shocked at all if, in a few months the White House would deem us domestic terrorists like people carrying a time bomb in their backpacks. Of course, no one in their right mind would utter such distasteful remarks. Unless, of course, you are the Governor of Washington who said, and I quote, “the exact thing I said above.” Close quote.
There is very little common sense left when folks make that remark, which means that there is no common ground left. If nice people ever believed that our task is to find a middle ground with the White House, I call their bluff. There is no common ground with wickedness. The Christian should sit back from the comfort of his gathered family members around the Christmas table and loudly LOLOLOLOLOL these threatening scoundrels.
I have been around narcissistic individuals–folks who threaten their community through flattery and ultimatums. At that point, there is no more fruitful dialogue. We must go our separate ways and I must act as if whatever you say on this issue is gibberish to me. And perhaps, the Church would do well to shut her ears to these drummer boys of doom and listen to the adventing Christ who speaks words of comfort and joy.
The post The White House as Drummer Boys of Doom appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.