God will not bow to modern expectations, and neither should we. When prophecies are made, when turbulent times come, when relationships are crumbling, when Satan as a roaring lion is knocking at your door, when the temptations to join other parties seem overwhelming, when the love of your friends and neighbors grow cold, when waiting and persevering seem like a fruitless job, that is when you need to hear the words of Jesus, “Endure to the end.” He has promised never to leave nor forsake you. He has promised that the tribulations of life are worth enduring in faith rather than without it.
This is why our service must end at a table and why the Gospel of Mark ended with going forth. Because if we were simply to dwell in the presence of our enemies without food and drink, we would drown and give up. Because if the Word ended with Jesus ascending and nothing else happening, we would leave this building discouraged and eventually give up. But thanks be to God; Jesus gives us a resurrection table and calls us to come in hope.
The post To the Table of Hope appeared first on Resurrectio et Vita.