In Obedient Faith: A Festschrift for Norman Shepherd, Dr. Shepherd speaks to the influence of Van Til in his own thinking:
Van Til visited Westminster College in my senior year, and I heard his lecture on Noah. This lecture made a profound impact on my thinking. Van Til described how great teachers from several renowned universities came to Noah representing various philosophical positions. They disagreed among themselves, but they were united in explaining to this poor, benighted man how foolish he was to build an ark in the desert with only blue sky overhead. They were certain that there could not be such a flood as Noah predicted. But Noah continued pounding away because he believed what God said and acted accordingly. The floods did come. They swept away the professors of this world’s wisdom, but God spared Noah and his family. I left college with the deep conviction that God and his infallible Word are the ultimate reference point for all predication. Our calling in this life is to be faithful to every word he has spoken.
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