Between preaching, teaching, conference speaking, writing, doctoral classes, 2016 has been in fast forward mode. As the year slowly comes to an end, I have a few more fun things to do including this conference in Lakeland, Fl.
In our day, the church’s most radical message might just be its most ordinary: we meet God in those places where He promises to be found. But where are those places? Speakers Mark Jones, Uri Brito, and Steven Wedgeworth will help us to see how God uses the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures, the administration of the sacraments, and the life of the church as the normal ways that He works out His special power on earth.
Each talk will highlight the challenges and burdens which stand in the way of robust doctrine of the church today and will offer Biblical strategies for recovering a covenantal vision for salvation and discipleship. Join us as we learn how God is redeeming and restoring His people through the covenant life of His church.
The conference is being held at the 1515 Williamsburg Square in Lakeland, Florida and should be a great time of edification and fellowship.
Don’t forget to register for the pre-conference social (limited capacity) and also plan on joining us at Christ Church Sunday morning for worship and a sermon by Dr. Mark Jones.
8:30 AM Doors Open and Registration
9:00 AM YouTube is Not Enough: Preaching and Presence by Dr. Mark Jones
9:45 AM Water, Bread, and Wine: the Sacraments and Salvation by Pastor Uri Brito
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM How Did We Get Here? The Role of Catechism and Tradition by Dr. Mark Jones
NOON Break for Lunch
1:30 PM It Takes a Church by Pastor Steven Wedgeworth
2:30 PM Teaching Christians: A Panel Discussion on Christian Education
3:00 PM Break
3:15 PM Can We Please God? Or How Not To Be an Antinomian by Dr. Mark Jones
4:00 PM Q&A and Discussion
8:00 PM Dessert and Fellowship
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