Dear Parents of Teens,
Do not be complacent in this season, especially as it pertains to what your young teens watch. A recent Parents Television Council (PTC) Report analyzed 255 NETFLIX titles that are deemed “appropriate for teens.” Over 120 of those titles included “harsh profanities” and other disturbing content. The “f-word” appeared in the vast majority of those titles which means one can count on it in most “appropriate for teens” shows/movies.
We can become overwhelmed and allow teens to watch shows assuming the best. But we need to remember that the movie industry–in general–has no interest in preserving ideals of purity. The goal is to provide a philosophy where profanity and sexiness are the new normal. In the long term, this slowly removes the powerful admonitions against homosexuality and other forms of impure and sinful relationships. We begin to see these things in society as normal because we have been catechized by a system that made the obscene an artistic expression.
My recommendations would be three-fold:
First, to look up every movie before giving the green light. Common Sense Media is a great option. Some parental review websites will tell you explicitly the appearance of “positive messages,” “language,” “sex,” and other essential components for parents to know.
Second, when possible watch with them. It is true that when a parent shares in any positive activity with teenagers, there is a psychological bonding that occurs, especially at an intellectual level.
Third, consider other options like VidAngel, Minno, or even Disney Plus for more wholesome alternatives.
Remember that the concern is not so much exposure to the bad. They will be eventually confronted with these realities whether language or sexuality. The concern is with the continual desensitizing to these realities. Too much of something often enough will form new habits and thinking. A steady diet of conversations with your teens about the role of purity and beauty in the Christian life is a matter of life and death.
Pastor Uriesou Brito
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